My SU! friend, Sue (http://www.welovetostamp.com/) , designed the tin w/ cards, the 3x6 cards, and the "notes" spiral. I made the tin of cards for teacher extraordinaire, Mary. We love you, Mary!!! (Kathryn's pre-school teacher, but Julia's kindergarten teacher this year. I know, I know; how lucky are we to have Mary TWO years in a row?) The 3x6 cards and dark chocolate M&Ms (go ahead and grab a tissue to wipe the drool off of your keyboard) for Miss Joy, who I have mentioned before, IS a JOY! We love you, Joy!!!
they're all so nice... they'll love them :-)
Hi June! Wow, I was just coming onto your site to leave a "thank you" comment for the wonderful HANDMADE cards you gave to me for teacher appreciation week. I am in love with them. I don't even want to use them b/c I don't want to give them up! Thank you not only for the cards but for the lovely things you have said about me on your blog! I didn't even know I was the best speech therapist in the world! Much appreciation right back to you as we work together to help your girls shine!!! Hugs to you June!
have you ever seen the far side cartoon that has two panels...one entitled, "what we say" and the other, "what dogs hear"? the first features a long speech on the part of a human, scolding a dog, saying things like, "you were a bad girl, ginger! i've told you not to run away, ginger!" and so forth; the second just goes, "blah blah blah blah blah, ginger! blah blah blah, ginger!"
...so with absolutley *NO* disrespect intended to the CLEVER & LOVELY creations featured in this post...or to the clever & lovely women who've inspired or received them...all i really heard just then was,
"blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah DARK CHOCOLATE M&M'S blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"!!!!!!!! :)
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