I stamped the baby and chalked him. The card base is DCWV and the dps are from a package I purchased at Michael's YEARS ago. Just usin' my stash...
Hooray! The Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow :) I wonder if areas of the U.S. that rarely/never get snow pay attention to this holiday??? I grew up in Maryland and it IS a big deal with children there (or at least when I was growing up.) Who doesn't love a snow day? Okay, maybe my parents, who had to go to work regardless of the weather. Any way, I still love this holiday. I would LOVE to get a good snow day and play with Julia & Kathryn. They both LOVE to make snow angels. Let's see what February has in store for us here in northern Virginia...
Such a Lovely baby card!!...so glad you had a such a Wonderful trip to Disneyland....will be watching for layouts about it.
how cute... and Phil - you gotta love him!
This is really great - love the background and the colors are just fantastic !
This is totally cute! Very baby colors! Beautiful!
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