Monday, August 24, 2009

A Five Minute Card & Five Awards

Yes, literally, a five minute card. The swirl, lady bug label, and flower are all from a K&Co. kit that was on sale at ACMoore. It was on sale for $15 and was valued at $45. I can't pass up a deal, right? Except that I have never used anything from the kit *sigh*. I was working on some Cosmo Cricket projects this week (they are the sponsor for the upcoming challenge at Cuttlebug Challenge blog, so come back Wednesday to see my post!) I came across this Cosmo Cricket base card that I had never used in my Cosmo Cricket stash. I needed a little break from my Cuttlebug Challenge projects, glanced at my K&Co. $15 deal (I do guilt well), and decided they coordinated well enough. The brad is DCWV. I found a dark grey scrap in my card stock scrap bag, mounted the lady bug label, die cut "hi" from a QuicKutz font, and called it done. A $15 card ;)

These five (5?!) awards are from my LFH (lovely friend Heather) of Rica's Haven. If you don't follow her already, I highly recommend it! She creates gorgeous cards, and she is an equally fabulous friend to have.

I am going to pass these awards on to the five most inspiring blogs I have seen today:
1. Chat (who I have actually followed for a long time...actually "lurked". I was too afraid to comment much because her blog is so awesome!)
2. Kay (her cards are as pretty as she is!)
3. Steph (an amazingly talented blogger, and super sweet)
4. Nathalia (be prepared to be awed!)
5. Jenn (maybe her blog should be named Simply Elegant???)

Okay, that's all from me until Wednesday. I am packing and taking the girls to North Carolina to see some friends and do a lot of stamping, laughing, and chatting. I'll be gone all week, so other than Wednesday, I don't know when I will post again. I will be checking in on your blog, though :)


Leslie Hanna said...

Every once in a while we need to crank out a 5-minute card. :-)

Roberta said...

Hey June Bug...cute card...wonder where you got the inspiration
Hey next time you are coming into town..give me a heads up...Kevin and I are going out of town this Wed. through next I'll miss most of your visit...would love to meet up for lunch/dinner/drinks when you can. Fondly, Roberta

Julie M said...

Oh that's cute, June. Very very effective. Love it. I wish I could make 5 minute cards, mine are taking longer and longer - more like 5 hours than 5 minutes!!

Enjoy your week away.


Silli said...

Hello sweet June, congrats for so many great awards...;-) Your crad is beautiful I love the "simple" LO, this looks great! Hugs and happy day. Silke

Steph Zerbe said...

June you are so sweet to PAY IT FORWARD with your well deserved awards. Thank you! You are too kind.
I live in NC, Ft. Bragg, Fayetteville Area. Would love to meet new stamping friends. Hope you have a ball!!

Thanks thanks again for the thoughtful awards! Looking fwd to Wednesday's post!!

Kim Costello said...

Hi June sweetie, hope you have a wonderful time away! Want to say how fantastic your quick card is I struggle when I try them LOL! Happy HuGs Kim :)

Shauna K said...

super cute card, dear! oh, and I definitely feel better knowing PC hasn't picked up your cards either... because if they haven't picked YOURS mine don't stand a chance ;) have fun on your trip!! :D

Kay said...

Oh what a darling card! I LOVE the color of the cardstock and the little lady bugs are ADORABLE! Way to go on that steal of a deal!

Thank you for the award! I was so surprised and honored. I truly appreciate all the sweet comments and I'm excited that I just became one of your "followers". ;o) Have wonderful trip to NC. Thank you again!! ♥♥ Kay

craftyb said...

Sometimes simple cards are so effective! I love your colours.

Congrats on all the awards...isn't the lil bambi one so cute?! bx

Anonymous said...

Dang, June, you are so well-loved! Count me as one of your biggest fans too!! Some day we should meet! And this quick card is perfectly adorable! =) Anxiously await your return, but have a stupendulous time!

Anonymous said...

Darling card June! Sweet and simple!

(-: Heidi

Deb said...

Great card, I love the sweet & simple look and that's a great colour!! Also, enjoy your getaway, nothings better than stamping and relaxing all in one!!