What a fabulously busy week! January card sales are usually slow (second only to September), but usually Valentines help me out a lot. Even these have been sitting until...
Sunday afternoon I took 6 more Valentines to add to my basket at the coffee shop here in Leesburg, to make a total of 12 Valentines as of that afternoon.
Monday morning I was chatting on the phone with my Design Diva friend,
Sheryl. Somehow we got to talking about class kits from Memories. She mentioned she had quite a few. I have 3 crates full in my closet. I taught at Memories for about 3 years, teaching 1-3 classes each month; easy to collect class kits. Once I made the store sample, I rarely went back to make one for me. (I had the best of intentions!) Sheryl and I discussed that we should try to slowly work on these at our monthly meetings. She also mentioned she would like to see my craft room (this month's meeting will be at my house). She said she thought it must be perfectly organized (oh, if she could see the piles of Valentine's papers all over what little floor space I have in there right now!) I told her it is a constant work-in-progress and that
I try not to open the closet door.
I started selling my cards in hopes of streamlining my craft room for new stash. Somehow I seem to be collecting more than I am getting rid of...

After speaking with Sheryl, the owner of the coffee shop called and said he only had 3 Valentine's left at the store.
So I pulled up the courage to open the closet door to see if I had anything in there I could sell.

I found a "Love coupon" mini book I had made at Memories out of coin envelopes and lots of metal embellies. No, I did not take a picture. I invoiced it, and took it over to the coffee shop around noon.
When I got home (a whole 6 minutes later), the phone rang. Yep, it was the coffee shop. My mini book had sold right after I walked out the door...could I make another? I told them it was a one-of-a-kind, but I would make another type of mini book.

So I went back in The Closet (to steal a term from
Leslie, who talks about her stash in The Other Room). I had one kit to make the accordian mini book pictured (above). Now I know where I got all those glittery chipboard pieces I have used recently. I had pulled the "extras" from this kit a
long time ago.
After making the mini book, I made two Valentine's from the scraps (pictured).
Tuesday morning I took these three items to the coffee shop.
Can you guess what happened next? Yes, it sold too. So I went back in The Closet for another mini book kit...
(to be continued tomorrow)