Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bee Hexed

Can you believe it? A day late. I made yesterday's bee card with the hexagon and today's challenge at 365 is to use a hexagon dominating

your card. I was perusing my blog reader and saw this sketch on Mercy's blog. So I pulled out my Stampendous bee and my BasicGrey Urban Prairie papers again :)

By popular demand (Deanna asked...) here is my tutorial on making a hexagon. Yes, I am a math major, but I was not going to get out my protractor to measure 60 degree angles!

1. I punched out a 1.5 inch hexagon out of a scrap of heavy vellum using my Creative Memories punch. I centered the vellum on the bee with temporary adhesive.
2. I used this narrow ruler and a pencil to create a border around the bee.
3. I cut by hand with scissors. I adhered it to black card stock, then cut again (eye balled it.)

Happy Tuesday!


Rose said...

cute cute cute!!! love the paper and the bee is adorable :0)

Carolyn V said...

Totally awesome! Great paper and colours. Love the bee!

Don't own a protractor... I may be in trouble. LOL

Pamela Wade said...

Very cute bee and a very cute card! ~~Pam

Kay said...

I just can't get enough of that darling little bee!!!
♥♥ Kay

Unknown said...

june...what an adorable card! love those little bees, and the way you cut the vertical dp panel like honeycomb...you're so smart!

thanks for playing along with my sketch for this week! :)


Alysabeth said...

I love how you did the honeycombs, so perfect:o)

Robyn said...


Linda Brun said...

June , Love the cute little bie. And the colour comb. is beautiful as ever.


Chrissie said...

You eyeballed it very well! Super card June! Love that image.

Heather said...

Just fabulous June - don't know which I like best - your variation or your theme. I do love the lighter panel on this one - I presume you added a layer of vellum on this, it really makes your Bee pop !!
hugs Heather xx

Silli said...

This is so cute June, the image is fab, the papers very pretty... GREAT work...(always) Big hugs and happy day for you my sweetie!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, my lovely little June, you sure outdid yourself here!!! I'm a math major too and ABSOLUTELY grateful that you posted how you did that, whew whew whew ROTFL!!!!

Don't visit my blog today, I messed up big time so I'm about to go outside and open up a giant hole in the earth and force it to swallow me whole!!!!! =( =(

~amy~ said...

wowza...great job on the challenge!!!

Anonymous said...

SO cute! What an awesome use of those BG papers! I love the one in the last post too!

(-: Heidi

Windy Hills said...

Another great Hex card. Great job!
It is Beelicious!

Jenny Gropp said...

Clever name and clever design!!!

lauren bergold said...

i have not used any of the hex paper in my urban prairie pad yet...but suddenly somehow...i am mysteriously SO INSPIRED to do so! what an amazing coincidence, dontcha think??!?!?! ;)