Thursday, June 2, 2011



My 4 year blogoversary sneaked by me yesterday.  How about some blog candy for two lucky winners?  Please leave a comment telling me:

1.  One fun fact that I may not know about you.
2.  Which blog candy you prefer; Cuttlebug/Sizzix/Colorbok or Cricut Dinosaur Tracks & Imaginisce Dino-Roar.

You do not have to be a follower to win this blog candy, but you do need to contact me if you win.  Contest closes on June 9th @ 11:59pm EST.  If I have not heard from the winner by June 15th, I will redraw.

Just for giggles, here is a fun fact about me:  I sort my M&Ms by color before eating them.  I eat my favorite color last (red.)  Yes, I know that there is no difference in flavor :)


Cherie said...

Something you don't know about me is that I have had my hair dyed almost every natural hair color! My mom even dyed it one time and it accidentally went gray! But yes, I have been a redhead, blonde, and my natural, a brunette!

Congrats on 4 years!! I am already a follower, but it is so hard to pick one that I would want more, but if I had to pick, I would pick the Dinosaur one. I have some pictures from when I was kid at my grandparents in Colorado and we went fossil hunting!

Thanks for a chance to win, and CONGRATS again!!

cherie.goyer at

Kimberly said...

Hey Hey, love the candy fav would be the cuttlebug set...i just love my cuttlebug. Something about myself....i have a to do list in my head that i just have to get done...I've already learned to ride a motorcycle at age 38, got a small i mean small tatoo on my foot in my 30's not sure we forget when we get old eh?? So many things to do and so short of time..TFS all your wonderful projects and this

jperr said...

Hi, A fun fact that you don't know about me is when I get a magazine I always start at the back. Then I go to where each story starts.
Thanks for a chance at the blog candy,My prefence of the items you have up for grabs would be the Sizzix and Cuttlebug.

Court said...

CONGRATS on 4 years!!! How exciting!!!

Hmm... a fun fact you didn't know about me.. I LOVE doing laundry but HATE putting it away!! :)

Something about you... hmm... You call your husband "the sexy". I love that.

Hmm... how to choose. I am going to have to go with.... the Cuttlebug folders. LOVE my Cuttlebug! :)

jengd said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! Wow! 4yrs... I just discovered blogs about 2yrs ago. What can I say, I'm a slow learner. Which is funny because something you may not know is that I have a degree in computer animation and spent most of my life the past 16yrs on computers (unfortunately not in computer animation) so I don't know how I missed out on blogland for so long. :) My beastie is a boy so the dinosaur set would be HUGE here. Thanks for the chance and congrats again!

Crafting Misfit said...

You are so generous! You are also kind, I love it when you leave comments on my blog :)

Something you don't know about me... I started a diet this week. I am STARVING. I just stood over the counter and took 15 minutes to nibble a black olive because it is only 5 calories.

Both would be great, however, I would use the dinosaurs in my classroom a lot!


Lisa said...

Congratulations on 4 years, June! That is so awesome! And thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Okay, something about me you might now degree is in Kinesiology with a concentration in Sports Marketing and Management. Both giveaways are so awesome and I'd love either, but if I had to choose...I'd pick the one with Cricut Dinosaur Tracks. Thanks again for the chance to win :D


My 3 E Scrapbooking said...

Congrats on your 4 year blogoversary!!! That is awesome! I love that you separate your m&m's! My 5 year old does the same thing! She said she likes them organized! I guess she is going to be OCD like Mommy! I guess that is one thing about me! I was actually going to tell you that I am actually very shy and quiet in my real life, but on the computer I tend to be a blabber mouth! I'm one of your new followers but you'll see how chatty I can get on here...hehe!! If I must pick between the two, I think I prefer the dino pack! I have all girls so I always buy girly and pink! It would be cool to have some boy stuff around! Thanks so much for the chance to win and congrats again!!

Sonya said...

Congrats on your four years...a fact about me, I can speak four languages!!! And I'd love the dinosaure themed set if I'm the lucky winner. Thank you so much!

katieo said...

Something you don;t know about me is that I was born in England. I would love the Sizzix, Cuttlebug pakg if I win. Thanks for the chance. Congrats on four years

Trish and Treasure said...

Hi June,
Congratulations on 4 years blogging that's an amazing volume of work! I'm excited to enter your blog candy and I'm going to choose the cuttlebug/sizzix/colorbok candy if I win because I've not long had my Big Shot and not many products to use in it yet.
Something you don't know about me is that I love snow skiing and I'd rather do that all day than anything else apart from cardmaking and it's one of the few things in this world that I can actually do really well, but I live at a different part of the world far far away from the snow so I suppose it's opposites attract. This is why I love to look at snowflakes they are so very pretty and I just love looking at white snow!
Hugs from Trish xx

leslie (crookedstamper) said...

4 years! Wow. Congratulations! And no, I don't want to win anything. :)

Tami B. said...

Congratulations on 4 years.

SiskiyouSue said...

Congratulations on 4 years. Awesome!

Fun fact? I love to read science fiction and fantasy, and those are also my favorite movies (I've seen Star Wars 4 times).

Cuttlebug, Sizzix, et al.

Sherrie K. said...

Congrats on 4 yrs! One fun fact: I LOVE the DQ!! What an awesome giveaway~prefer cuttlebug/sizzix/colorbok only because I love the cuttlebug:) Thanks again for chance!
Sherrie K

Michelle VP said...

My first blogaversary slipped by me last year. We'll see if it occurs to me this year or not come October, haha! Congrats on your 4 years of blogging! My favorite color is red too! But blue is a very close second. And we had M&M's in tulle for everyone at our wedding reception b/c both of our names start with "M", so it was the perfect personalized candy. I would pick the first blog candy, simply because I do not own a cricut. Blessings!

Jennie Garcia said...

Congrats on your 4 year blogaversary!! I loved how you told you M&M story. I would prefer the Dinosaur one, I don't have boyish paper and I need to scrap my nephew's pictures. One fun fact I love to watch extreme sports but since they are never on ESPN I stalk the red bull and you tube to watch them!! But I can't even ride a bike that well :/
TFS!! Take Care!!
Jennie @

jennyplace2 said...

Wow four years is a long time, I just celebrated my one year anniversary! Something you don't know about me....My nicknameas a child was Nipper. Both sets of blog candy are wonderful, it would be just to hard to pick, but I do not have that cartridge, so it really would be awesome to win and you will be drawing it the day before my Birthday! What a cool Birthday gift this would be!

Maria Sabina R said...

OH MY!!! 4 YEARS?! that s amazing!!!!!!! Congrats for your wonderful work !
What you don't know about me...Uhmmmm
I've worked as nanny in Spain to triplets. worked 24/6 .It was a good experience for em, at 19 years old I have realised how precious life is and how important is to be next to your baby.
I would love to win just a card from you but in this case, i want Cuttlebug/Sizzix/Colorbok because I have a cuttlebug but not enough dies/embossing folders.
Have a wonderful day!

bonnie said...

Oh wow 4 year...Happy Blogaversary sweetie, I love your sweet comments on my blog, they make my day! 1 fact about me - I am 5ft 11" tall! If I were one of your lucky winners, I would pick the Cricut Dinosaur Tracks & Imaginisce Dino-Roar....awesome prize sweetie!:) Hugs x

Jenny V. said...

Hi June! Happy 4 year blogoversary.
Ummmmm, let me see a lil fun fact about myself would be I can't stand dirty bathroom, sometimes when I'm in my friend's bathroom and it's a mess I end in the bathroom for half an hour just cleaning it and organizing it. Ehen I get out my friends would be laughing because they know I end up cleaning the bathroom. Thanks for a chance to win, I would pick Cricut Dinosaur.

Moni said...

Congrats on your 4 year anniversary. What can I say about me, let see, I love to sing when I am showering and no one is at home. Need to say my singing is aweful. :(
I would love to win the candy, and I prefer Cuttlebug/Sizzix/colorbok candy. Thanks for the chance. Hugs,Moni

my crafting creations said...

Wow 4 years. Congrats. Something you dont know about me? hmmm. My dad nicknamed me Karo when I was little. He said that I would take my sweet time at doing anything. lol. I disagree. lol.. I would love to win the Cuttlebug / Sizzic / Colorbox. I have a cuttlebug but not that many folders. Thanks for the chance to win.


Judy Ford said...

Congratulations on your 4 year blogaversary!!! A fact you don't know about me... my dad used to call me his "angel" cuz I was always up in the air "harping" about something!!! LOL
Both blog candys are wonderful - I think probably inching out ahead is the dinosaur one to do things for my grandsons!
Thanks for all your positive comments and support!! You Rock!!!

Lolis said...

Congratulations on your 4 years. Thank you for the sweet comments on my posts, you are so kind and thoughtful! One fun fact about me is that my favorite subject is math but I'm a reading teacher! i love teaching regardless of the subject! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway if I was to win I'd pick the cuttlebug set! Thank you!

Lolis said...

Congratulations on your 4 years. Thank you for the sweet comments on my posts, you are so kind and thoughtful! One fun fact about me is that my favorite subject is math but I'm a reading teacher! i love teaching regardless of the subject! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway if I was to win I'd pick the cuttlebug set! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Well, happy 4 years of blogging to you! That is awesome! Thank you so much for doing this fun giveaway.

Fun fact about me...I have been out of school for 11 years, but Math was always my hardest subject. I had to study so hard! So, it is pretty comical to me that I do all of the accounting for Jeff's business ventures! Especially since my major was Communication. LOL! Thank goodness for Quickbooks.

Either giveaway would be awesome to win, but I really like the Cuttlebug/sizzix, colorbok one.

Candy said...

Happy Blogaverasry, June! I love browsing your blog ... there's always so many great things to find!! Thank you for sharing your amazing talents with us!

One fact about me you may not know is that I am terrified of heights , yet I love looking out the window of the plane when we take off!

Hmmm.... if I were the lucky gal one of your cool blogcandy , I would probably pick the Dinosaur Cartridge .... my little guys loves dinos!

Claudia said...

WOW < Congratulations on the 4 years, Your blog candy are both so amazing but I'd go with the Cuttlebug/Sizzix/Colorbok one, if I happen to be the very lucky winner....
Fun fact about me:::) I live in the country and call myself a night person,, I love to be awake during the night just to be alone and listen to the night sounds around me.. . creating and crafting just seem to come to me when all is still and dark, I rarely get going when I try to scrap during the day, so I sleep a couple hours by day and scrap deep into the night:)
I'm following you simply 'cause your creations are so kool and amazing, also posted your giveaway on my sidebar at...
wishing u all the best..Claudia W.

Kristie said...

Congrats on your 4th anniversary! You just keep getting better with time :)
I'd love to win the cuttlebug candy, and something you don't know about me is that when I was little I hated the colour pink and my mum had to bribe me to wear a pink dress to my uncle's wedding!

Joan V said...

Wow, June, four years of blogging is great. I have been a follower for maybe 8 or 9 months.
Hmmm. fun fact about me. I am terrified of heights.
I really would use the Cuttlebug/Sizzix/Colorbok set. Thanks for the chance to win.

SmilynStef said...

The dinosaurs sound awesome to me ... let's see ... I graduated first in my class from the Police Academy in my much younger days.

Lisa said...

Congrats on the 4yrs of blogging! I always look forward to seeing the card you come up with for the Jingle Belle challenges.

Hmmm, something about me...most of my online stamping friends dont know I spent many yrs working as a firefighter/EMT in CA and CT. Gave up the job to take care of my 3 kids, one of whom is special needs. Hubby spent 20 yrs in the Navy and it was too hard on the kids to have me working so much and dad gone. I miss the job but dont regret putting my family first!

If I happened to win the Cuttlebug group is what I would enjoy the most.

Heidi said...

4 years, how fun! A fact about me is that I love my diet caffine free mountain dew. My hubby calles it double's my vice in life! LOL. I would love the cuttlebug set. I purchased a cuttlebug not too long ago so I am still trying to build up a stash of supplies to use with it. Thanks for the chance to win and congrats on 4 years!

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