The picture does not show off the dp I used to paper piece the coffee cup, but all dps and cs are from a CTMH kit. Even the cs I embossed with my Cuttlebug swirls is truly a nice warm caramel color, but in the pic is more washed out.
The base card was in my card & coordinating envelope drawer. The card is 5 3/8 " x 7 1/4".
I was able to make 4 of these cards using these papers and card stash. I didn't use anything up today, but I did use two new stamps :) I purchased the coffee mug stamp and a sentiments set from Angela's Happy Stamper last week.
The sentiment stamps are by My Favorite Things. I was specifically looking for sentiments that would fit in the SU! punch I used on this card. I actually used two different stamps in the MFT set. Two of them are "Thank You Grande" and "Love You Much". Since thank you cards are not as big a seller for me as love cards, I combined the sentiments to say "Love You Grande".
Does it make sense to you? DH said, "Who is gonna buy a card talking about how much they love coffee?" Uh oh. I didn't think about that interpretation. What do you think?
I would buy a card saying how much I love coffee! But until you mentioned your DH's comment I would not have seen it that way! Men sometimes see things very differently, don't they??? I think this is a fantastic card! Anyone who loves their coffee is sure to adore it...and don't you sell them in coffee shops? They'll go fast!
I think people will buy it! Maybe as a play on words for their coffee-lovin' sweetie!
This is so stylish and effective, lovely textures and colours.
i think the lovely dh/DH is being just a soupcon too literal in this case! (the lads, bless 'em, are like that at times! they can't help it, you know, it's the testosterone!) :)
i would interpret this as "i love you in the largest amount available"...on the other hand...as kristie says...LOTS of ppl *do* love coffee that much & would buy it for that purpose!!!
in any interpretation, it is an absolutely SPECTACULAR example of the greeting card arts, all round, and i predict this whole set will sell in less than 24 hours!!! (SO THERE!)
(more coffee based puns for ya: "love you a latte" and "hey! how've ya BEAN?!"...ok, apparently the fever is back...time to stop with the diabolical slogans and take a nap!) :)
You were right! This is a "loverly" card!
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