I love the Redskins. This seems like a silly statement, because not loving them does not compute for me. That would be like saying, "I don't like chocolate." See what I mean? If you don't like chocolate, GO SEE A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.
See me at age 6? I thought I knew EVERYTHING at age 6. When I grew up, I knew I wanted to play QB for the Redskins AND be President of the United States. I practiced football as often as I could (I wore out many a purple nerf football!) I was Billy Kilmer for Halloween that year, not Jason Campbell (LOL). Sadly for me, I did not own a Redskin helmet. I did own a Redskin ski hat, Redskin pajamas, and my Billy Kilmer jersey. I named my goldfish Charlie Taylor and Sonny Jurgensen. Later I came to love Joe Theismann (see signature below right side of the laces?) By the way: Billy, Sonny, and Charlie all signed the ball too. This is one of my most prized possessions. My uncle and grandfather have had season tickets as long as I can remember. I always wanted to attend a real game. I have been once. It was Redskins vs. Panthers on Christmas Eve. Yes, I was already an adult by then. Awesome game, because I saw every type of point(s) scored: touchdown, extra point, field goal, and a safety. Not to mention, the Redskins have the prettiest uniforms! Yes, even those yellow helmets they used to wear. (Do you remember when you could buy plastic helmets for a quarter out of the gumball machines? See my collection in the picture.) I feel sorry for other teams, especially the Browns and the Dolphins. Yucky colors. I guess I can't talk, because second to the 'skins, I root for the Baltimore Orioles. Not exactly pretty combo there either.
Why am I blogging about my beloved team? Well, when I went for my daily Greenberry's fix this morning, I noticed 7 cards had sold in the past 12 hours! The girls told me that Al Saunders purchased one of my cards this morning. He is a regular too, but he goes in to G'berry's when I am still hitting my snooze button on my alarm clock. So, no, I have not met him. Wahoo! Al Saunders bought a card I made!!! (Jean, I know you love wiki, so here is the link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Saunders).
My question for you is this: Did Mr. Saunders, with the same enthusiasm, show my card to the Redskins and say, "Wahoo! I bought a card hand made by June Houck?"
p.s. If you leave a comment, I am sensitive about happenings on October 28, 2007. Mr. Joe Gibbs is way too decent a man to say this, but I will...the Pats are just plain RUDE running up the score like that.