I didn't really have a plan, and I actually started with the right-hand page. After I had the pictures down, I used QK Snow Angel Numbers to create "2004" from black glossy cs. I wanted braces around the year, but my chipboard ones were too large.
Then I noticed I had the negative image of braces from a SU! Simply

Now for the left-hand page...I took the largest scraps of BG Blitzen and adhered them on the page. Then I glued on the family pic. Then I found a quote on the internet and printed it on the BG Blitzen blue dp.
Title? I have a blue "Christmas" laser cut I bought ~6 years ago. I traced it and cut it out with my Xacto knife. That took f o r e v e r. Then I used my QK Paige font to die cut "EVE".
Maybe I'll get some 2005, 2006, & 2007 Christmas pics developed and be completely caught up...nah...I need to go back to Halloween cards right now.

Before you go, admire my beautiful Goddaughter, Shelby, on the top right hand corner of this page. She is also pictured with her little brother, Lance, below that picture (my cousin's children).
I'm in the pics on the left-hand side with my not so happy girls. Lots of stimulus going on during the holidays...it can be overwhelming for the little ones :)
Wooohooo Miss June! You are on a roll!!! I have a bunch of pictures that need to be scrapbooked too, but card making is so much more satisfying...ie: it's much, much faster to get a result :)
Loving that you are using your scraps on those L/O's too!
Now I do not feel so badly about my 2004 road trip non-scrapbook. I see other people are also lagging a few years behind on their projects. Congrats on getting caught up!
Yeah, I agree with Kristie - cards give you that instant gratification thing. ;-)
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